Article directory submission is the process of submitting articles to article directories that will then publish them. Article submission is a low cost and an effective method for promoting your internet business. Writing and submitting articles to directories like are a great way to get targeted visitors.

Free article submission is a relatively easy, affordable way to generate traffic to your website, without paying huge advertising dollars. Using the right article marketing campaigns your site can get many inbound links and you’ll receive a reputation for being an expert on the subject. Read on to learn many benefits of submitting your articles to article directories.

Viral Effects of Your Submitted Articles

With very limited marketing resources small business owners need to get as much return on their investment as they can. For internet businesses, viral marketing is an excellent strategy to maximize ROI. Here you initiate an action and then allow it to propagate. It likes the “word of mouth” idea, but with the speed of virtual communication.

Article directory submission is an effective and easy to use form of viral marketing. By submitting an article to directories you’ll get the followings:

1. Free traffic from article directories. You include your hyperlink at the bottom of the article that you have written. Readers that are visiting the directories and that are interested to get more from you will visit your website.

2. Free traffic from other websites. Other webmasters may take your article and republish it on their website. When visitors of the websites read your article and click your link you are sure to reap the rewards with all the traffic that it will accumulate.

3. Free traffic from search engines. Google operates a site ranking system known as page rank. It is partially based on the quality of your content but also the number of sites that links to your site. When your site gets inbound links from your article submission it should hold a higher placement and in turn receive more visitors.

When that article is passed around from one website to the next, what you and your site actually get are free advertising. First, you’ll receive backlinks to your websites. Those links will in turn tell the search engines that your site deserves a better placement. And people who find that you on the search engines consider you as an expert on the subject.

Article Directory Submission Steps

To initiate your article marketing campaign, simply write interesting and useful articles so your readers keep reading until the end of the article. Using the right keywords address issues that are of interest in your target audience. If you have a site on weight loss products, for example, you may want to write tips and advice on losing weight.

Article directories allow you to promote yourself and your website on a resource or bio box — information about you and your site — at the end of your article. Remember to write about yourself in the 3rd person and describe your website. Make sure you write a compelling description and have at least one active hyperlink in the resource box.

Once your article is ready it’s time to submit it to a great, general article directory. Follow editorial guideline of the directory and choose the category that best suits your topic. Also, submit your article to a niche-specific article directory. If the topic of your site is weight loss, you may want to look for specific, health related directories.

The key to a successful article directory submission is good keyword choice, a high quality article and an attractive resource box. If you do it right you’ll get targeted visitors that can do a tremendous amount of business for you.