Learning the rules of an effective email marketing campaign is something that you have to do before actually building an email list. Let’s go over each one of these areas that plays a part in the success of your email campaigns.
The first area of concern is how you obtain a list of e-mail addresses. If you have hundreds or even thousands of e-mail addresses to target the campaign at, make sure you know where those addresses come from.
As a general rule of thumb, generating your own list of e-mail addresses that are interested in what you have to offer is better than buying an email list. You can do this by running an email marketing campaign through a website about your area of business.
Using search engine optimization your web pages, which are built using a number of important keywords, can achieve high rankings on the search engine result pages.
When visitors find your web pages and come in looking for information, you can exchange their email addresses with newsletters or other high value information. This way, you know that your email list belong to people who actually have some kinds of interests in your product or service.
There is one problem with this kind of email list generation. While you do get e-mail addresses of people who are interested in your area of business you have no idea what specifically they might be interested in. For instance, if you run a business where you sell classic movie DVDs, and the people who have signed up on your website are actually interested in renting those movies then your email marketing campaign will be mis-targeted.
One way to get around this is to learn about the type of information that your visitors are looking for on your website by tracking all the links in your email marketing campaign. When a recipient clicks a link to your site or a site that rents classic movie DVDs you’ll know their interests.
Linking to your own web pages and businesses related to your market are a good way to keep your email marketing campaigns on target and free from spam, and at the same time you can also make a little referral earnings.
Pay-per-click advertising is another way to build a mailing list. If you have money to invest in your email marketing campaign, you could sign up for a Google Adwords account.
The only problem with this method is that you have to spend money on each click. However, this might worth your effort if you know how to create Google ads where every visitor who makes it to your website actually spends money on your website.