Free CRM software is customer relationship management solutions that you can use for free. There are plenty of software suppliers that offer free web-based CRM software. Even though free CRM solutions have limited features and only apply for limited users they are fully functional systems.

If you are just starting out one way to find the right CRM for your business is to play around with some free CRM providers. Once you are familiar with some of them you can go with one that is best suited to your requirements and then upgrade it to the paid edition.

There are many free web based CRM programs available for different industries and size of businesses. Before deciding which one to buy for your business you will want to decide on what you want to do with CRM software and the projected business growth over the next few years.

Set Your Requirements for Free CRM Software

  • Solve your front-office problems. Do you lose businesses because of poor follow ups? Does your sales team find it difficult to create reports at the end of month or quarter? If so, you may want to use a web-based CRM system to manage contact more effectively and improve internal collaboration efficiency.
  • Accommodate your business growth. When your business grows chances are will need more features that can keep up with the growing needs. Can the CRM software answer your growing needs? Not all CRM is scalable. If you don’t make room for future growth now you’ll be busy upgrading and getting used to new software all the time.
  • Fast to launch. A simple, easy to use CRM software is a must. Whether you’re a small business with only a handful of people or one with more than a dozen employees implementing a CRM solution often results in a small amount of chaos. An easy-to-use application make sure it will be fast to launch.
  • Automate routine tasks. As a small business owner you may be short on resources but you have to fulfill different roles in your organization. The CRM program should take on your routine tasks and allow you to stay in tune with your customers and give them the best services possible.

7 Web-Based, Free CRM Software Providers

Now that you know your requirements it’s the time to check out services that offer really free CRM systems — not free trials. Here are some of the companies that you may want to try:

Apptivo This CRM provider creates an affordable and easy to use software for small businesses. The standard plan includes all the Apptivo apps and is completely free of charge. You can use this free plan for 3 users and 500 MB storage and get forum & standard email support as well.

Capsule – Capsule is a UK based CRM provider. The founders launched the company as they were frustrated with existing CRM’s that were either overly simplistic or far too complex for most businesses. Their free plan is available for up to 2 users, 10MB storage and 250 contacts.

FreeCRM Free CRM is an easy to use customer relationship management and sales force automation (SFA) software for up to 50 users. This service is a web-based service that doesn’t need you to download any software. Its free edition offerings is available for 1 year for up to 5 users and 2,500 contacts.

Insightly – This is web-based CRM system that allows you to integrate it with Google Apps, Office 365, MailChimp and social media sites. The Insightly infrasturcture is built to manage your contacts, tasks and projects. You can sign up the free plan that you can use for up to 2,500 records, 200MB storage, 10 custom fields and 3 users.

Really Simple Systems Really Simple Systems is web-based CRM software. It has all the features and functionality you need to keep track of your customers, prospects and sales. Its free edition is the same system as its award-winning enterprise edition, for two users and 100 accounts.

Relenta Relenta CRM was created to distill several different types of software into one single program. By interlinking all communication activity between employees and each customer a company could expect to get twice as much done in half the time. Its free edition is available for two users, 100 contacts and 100 MB storage.

Zoho CRM This CRM supplier offers sales, marketing, customer service, and inventory management in a single business system. Its free CRM software edition offers several features, with no security administration, for up to three users, 5000 records and 256 MB storage.

What to Do Now?

Learn how to find the right small business CRM software here. Also, check whether you have the right CRM strategy before picking one of the CRM systems.